Monday, May 6, 2013

MAC's "Sketch" Velvet Eyeshadow

Hello Lovelies!! I haven't posted in a long time! I have been so so so busy with my musical! Today I'm coming at you with a review talking about MAC's sketch. This eye shadow is actually a purple eye shadow, but I wear it everyday. I wear all that glitters on my lid and nutmeg from my skylark palette in the crease and very obviously sketch in my outer corner! It's also really pretty when worn with sable, because it brings out the beautiful purple undertones in it.However you can also through it with some pinks and purples and make it a colorful night time look. I love the fact that its a versatile shade. I also love the color, its such a gorgeous purple brown, at first when looking at a swatch you would think its brown but then you realize it's purple. This color is a velvet finish witch means it goes on very soft and has a soft look to it, it also means that it it slightly more matte. I also enjoy MAC eye shadows because they don't have horrible fallout like Urban Decay and Too Faced Eye shadows do. I have no big complaints about the sketch, except for maybe the 11-15 dollar price tag. So I give MAC's "Sketch" an A.

-Emily <3

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