Friday, November 23, 2012

Benefit Concealers-Erase Paste, Lemon-aid, and Boing

Benefit Cosmetics, is a line, that has a few great products, and a few not-so-great products, so whenever I try something new from them, I feel like it's a fifty fifty chance on if I will like it or not. So today I decided too do a review on their concealers. The first one is "Lemon-aid". This concealer is a yellow concealer, the idea behind this is too color correct redness. I personally don't have a lot of redness in my skin-tone, because it just doesn't run in my genes, but I have a little bit. For me, this doesn't work to color correct redness, it leaves my face with a weird yellow tint that I don't find very attractive, but what I absolutely love about it is that it works really well for two things. The first is brightening eyes. If you put it under your eyes too get rid of dark circles, not only does it do the job, but it leaves them looking refreshed and awake! The second thing it works well for is thin eyelids. I personally have very thin eyelids so all of my veins show through, and a lot of times, my eye-shadows come out with a purple tint, this color corrects my lids, so my eye-shadows aren't always purple all the time! The second concealer is "Erase Paste." I used this concealer for a really long time, and I actually really enjoy it, it covers what it needs too, lasts all day, and fits well with my skin-tone. The only downside I can find with this concealer is that its a little bit sticky. However, since I'm going to be putting powder over it anyways, why does that really matter? The final concealer for tonight's post is "Boing." Benefit Describes this as an industrial strength concealer. I'm not sure if it lives up too that, but I am a big fan. It's less sticky than erase paste, in fact its barely sticky at all. It also, lasts pretty well. I wear it under my eyes, almost everyday, and it's really good at getting rid of those under eye circles. If your one of the people like me, who like to use concealer as lipstick, or under lighter pigmented lip-glosses  this is the perfect concealer for you! It isn't sticky and doesn't feel weird on your lips like some other concealers do. Overall, I'm impressed by Benefit's concealers. I would, for sure, repurchase them. I give "Lemon-Aid" a B+, "Erase Paste" an A-, and "Boing"an A.


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